IoT Device Enclosure Design

IoT Device Enclosure Design

IoT Device Enclosure Design

IoT Device Enclosure Design

We provide custom casing design to your IoT device. We have vast experience in designing of enclosure design for IoT sensor devices, without affecting the functionality of the product.

Even though for any IoT device, the functional aspect comes from its internal hardware, the outer appearance is the one which grabs the first attention at any given time.

Radiant Design has the expertise in designing the housing to any customized or standard PCB’s and connectors ranging from small keychain devices to huge cabinet designs, low temperature to high temperature applications.

To start with the designs there are multiple inputs which are generally needed for which we provide an input sheet document which client fills in and sends us or we fill it and send it to clients just to be sure on the requirement on both sides. The input sheets contain:

  1. PCB Dimension
  2. Display
  3. Connectors List
  4. Sensors
  5. Buzzers
  6. IP Rating
  7. Type of mount
  8. Material

Out of the above details we can suggest few like IP rating and material to be used.

We usually get two types of inputs for PCB and components, we either get the DXF file for the board and list of component data and their datasheets or we get a 3D model of the board with components in STP/ STEP format. So, if the input is a DXF, we model the board and either download the connectors 3D data or model the connector based on the dimensions and confirm with the client for the placement and orientation of components on the board before proceeding with the enclosure design.

3 conceptual designs are proposed to the client and out of that they can choose any,and if required further suggestions and improvements will be done based on the client feedback. Then placements, cutouts, projections, bosses, grooves etc., are given for correct placement and accessibility of connectors are given considering all industrial designs (ID) like, draft, ribs, uniform thickness, shrinkage & warpage considerations, parting line, mold in components etc.

Once the design is done, we will print 2 or 3 products to test it functionally and aesthetically and will be delivered to the client.

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